[TC]2: World’s Fastest Contactless Point to Point Measurement Technology

When you build a house, you want your floor to have a proper measurement and smooth levelling. Similarly, when you design clothes for your customers, you should think about their body shapes and make clothes that fit them perfectly. One mistake that most of the stores and designers make is that they think that universal fits and sizes will fit all types of body shapes and curves. You will never be able to satisfy and retain your customers if you do not invest in the point to point measurement technology that is available for you. The P2P measurement technology was first discovered and studied by the researchers at [TC] 2 . What is [TC] 2 ? Well, TC2 is the company that first studied the market and the need to discover the 3D body scanning technology. It took many years of study and research to finally come up with the final product i.e. the first technology in the world that can scan the body and get you the measurements in less than 1 minute. The company b...